Suspended – Friday Fictioneers

Here is this week’s entry into the weekly challenge brought to us by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Here are the rules: Use the photo as inspiration, write a hundred(ish) words – and share! Here goes this week’s – and I welcome your comments again!


Copyright - Janet Webb

Copyright – Janet Webb


The boy tugs his mother’s sleeve, demanding attention.

“Mom! Look at the lady!”

“Hush, Ryan – oh!”

Claire picks up her son, pressing his face into her neck, trying to protect him, yet unable to tear her own gaze away from the horror above.

The woman in the red dress is suspended from the fire escape, arm muscles straining, fingertips loosening, loosening…


The scream resonates, bouncing off buildings.

Claire squeezes her eyes shut, wants to block her ears, holds her little boy closer, closer, waiting for the inevitable thud.




“And… Cut! That’s a wrap! Great job everyone!”


Click the blue froggy to read other writers’ offerings – and enjoy!

38 thoughts on “Suspended – Friday Fictioneers

  1. I am finally able to sit quietly and read your story! I like the clever ending. I had a feeling you didn’t mean suicide but had no idea what the twist would be.

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