
Horatio Smith spends every day telling fibs. This habit is woven throughout the fabric of his days, weeks and months just as threads in a tapestry form a picture. Indeed, if you follow each of the stories Horatio tells, it will tell you a great deal about the man who lives in the attic in the house at the end of the street.

We don’t have time to unravel the entire warp and weft of his fabrications today. No. Horatio is in a great hurry, which is unusual for him. A man who is six feet tall and spindly is not built for speed. He is designed for lounging, for unfolding himself gently and deliberately from his old wing-backed chair, which is positioned just so to the left of his fireplace. In his fertile imagination, the grate burns merrily with logs that have been gathered from a nearby wood and seasoned to perfection. In reality, a two-bar electric fire takes pride of place in the Victorian grate, its electric cord snaking around the chimney breast to a socket which is fixed slightly askew to the plaster-clad wall. Oh, and by the way, there is no ‘nearby wood’. If you peer out of Horatio’s grimy dormer window, all you can see for miles are rooftops. His is not a rural retreat. Continue reading “Tapestry”

Suspended – Friday Fictioneers

Here is this week’s entry into the weekly challenge brought to us by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Here are the rules: Use the photo as inspiration, write a hundred(ish) words – and share! Here goes this week’s – and I welcome your comments again!


Copyright - Janet Webb

Copyright – Janet Webb


The boy tugs his mother’s sleeve, demanding attention.

“Mom! Look at the lady!”

“Hush, Ryan – oh!”

Claire picks up her son, pressing his face into her neck, trying to protect him, yet unable to tear her own gaze away from the horror above.

The woman in the red dress is suspended from the fire escape, arm muscles straining, fingertips loosening, loosening…


The scream resonates, bouncing off buildings.

Claire squeezes her eyes shut, wants to block her ears, holds her little boy closer, closer, waiting for the inevitable thud.




“And… Cut! That’s a wrap! Great job everyone!”


Click the blue froggy to read other writers’ offerings – and enjoy!

Welsh Mountain Magic – Friday Fictioneers

Last week I made my first entry into the weekly challenge brought to us by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields – I enjoyed taking part so much, I thought I’d do it again. I loved reading others’ offerings! Here are the rules: Use the photo as inspiration, write a hundred(ish) words – and share! Here goes this week’s – and I welcome your comments again!


Copyright Danny Bowman

Copyright Danny Bowman

Welsh Mountain Magic

I stood, staring into the distance, feeling the rage build up inside. I kicked the flat tyre and arrows of pain shot from my big toe, burying themselves deeply in my knee.

This town mouse had forgotten that mobile phones were completely useless in the depths of mid-Wales.

I rubbed the tears of frustration out of my eyes and blinked. A telephone box appeared out of thin air – a little bit of Celtic magic to save this modern-day damsel in distress. Plus, there was even ten pence in the slot, ready to make a call.


Click the blue froggy to read other writers’ offerings – and enjoy!