London Calling – dVerse


London skyline, change unceasing
Altitudes aspire, increasing
Reaching scudding clouds suspended
Your city’s tale has not yet ended

London skyline, change unceasing
Skyscrapers empty, workers releasing
Easing on to pavements, thronging
Each mind alone, yet still belonging

London skyline, change unceasing
Parks reducing, space decreasing
Many cultures, smells and tastes
A never-resting, human race

London skyline, your heart’s still beating
London skyline, change unceasing.


This week, on dVerse Meeting the Bar,Tony has asked us to repeat, repeat, repeat – whether it’s a word, a phrase or a whole line. Let’s get the musicality going!

I haven’t aimed for a particular form, although if I hadn’t submitted a villanelle to a competition, I would have shared it right here, because it is, by it’s nature, a musical, repetitive piece. Hey ho. So, ‘London Calling’ is inspired by my place of work and by the wheels going round on my train journey home. I hope you enjoy.

Please pop over to dVerse to read some excellent poems on the travel theme. Join in – we don’t bite!




Return me to a gentle land
Gather me in, take my hand
Restore my mind to calmer days
Remove the scene that still replays
over and over, jamming my head
Bring me serenity, a constant thread
of restoration, courage anew
Let me forge ahead, source my strength from you
Know that with each breath and every pace
I take you with me, see your face
Hear your laughter, envisage your smile
Yes, we are parted, but just for a while
Life is but a moment, a wrinkle, a sigh
This is only adieu, Dad, not forever goodbye.


Because time passes, pain eases, gratitude settles in and new dawns are always possible. Amazingly, I wrote this poem before reading Grace’s introduction at Open Link Night – and yet it just seems to fit. I have so much for which to be grateful.

Please do visit the dVerse Open Link Night for examples of some very fine poetry indeed – and be inspired… Join us!

Glad to see the back of you – dVerse Poetics

This week’s dVerse Poetics is asking us to consider calendars – whether it’s our weekly planner, a diary for this year almost gone, a brand new one for next year – and get those words down for all to see.

I think I’ll let the poem speak for itself. Please visit dVerse to read the other thoughts of my fellow poets!

– Glad to see the back of you –

This year I wanted time to
just before I knew
that I needed no more change.
But only in hindsight,
only after the fact
(that I still can’t swallow).
A bitter pill
stuck in my throat,
razor sharp edges
that cut,
a scab that I pick at
just to make sure.
That I loved you enough.
That I was good enough.
That there was time enough
to fit in a life’s worth of you.
There are too many dates
that stick in my mind,
numbers have the power
to bring me to my knees.
2014 – be better.