Forever Yours – Friday Fictioneers

Here is this week’s entry into the weekly challenge brought to us by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Here are the rules: Use the photo as inspiration, write a hundred(ish) words – and share! Here goes my offering for this week – and I welcome your comments again!

Copyright - Douglas M. MacIlroy

Copyright – Douglas M. MacIlroy

– Forever Yours –

“It’s OK, sweethearts. I’m OK.”

I stood, an observer unobserved, watching the procession pass only an arm’s length away, unreachable now.

I reflected on the past weeks. The journeys to and from the hospital, the incessant beep-beep-beep of the monitors, the silent-footed nurses.

I smiled, remembering the whispered words of love, the touch of gentle hands on arms, the kisses on unresponsive cheeks, the vigils far into night after night after night.

All along, they loved me. Their love was returned, a thousand fold.

“I am not gone, I am always with you.”

Our bodies are but the temporary shell. Our spirits are what remain.


Click the blue froggy to read other writers’ offerings – and enjoy!

32 thoughts on “Forever Yours – Friday Fictioneers

  1. You showed the realization of love even to (and after) the point of death. Beautifully done, Freya.

    One little, nit-picky grammar nazi thing…”Our bodies are but the temporary shell”….”bodies” is plural, so you need “shells” to be plural, too. 🙂


    1. Thank you, Janet.

      I’m still considering the grammar point. I tried ‘shells’ and changed my mind… It may be grammatically correct, but I wrote it with a particular person in mind, who was a bit of a radical. So I think I’ll leave it as it is 🙂

    1. Thank you, patti. I know, I could do without this kind of familiarity, but writing helps me manage the feelings, or at least get them out of my head for a while.

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